In the Discussion panel, leading experts in the industry will comment on the topic of Ефективен и екологичен транспорт и дистрибуция.
The goal is to discuss the possibilities of implementing more ecological transport solutions, especially in cities since this is a mandatory part for the future of transport and distribution in urban environment. It is must to provide a cleaner and quieter living milieu.
This year, we focus on the topics:
♦ How to gain a competitive edge: Strategies for building strong partnerships in a situation of quickly changing global supply chains; ♦ New rules vs. new opportunities: Cost, efficiency, and risk – what we must know about the latest EU regulations for sustainable business; ♦ Warehouse optimization through innovation: Intralogistics solutions and platforms for the future;
♦ Navigating complexity: Strategies for a resilient supply chain.
Logistics Business Conference is organized by Bulgarian Transport Press and LOGISTIKA magazine for the 12th year in a row. Therefore, we can call it traditional. Traditions are important to maintain. We support them - we do it again in the fall, we do it again in Sofia Event Center, we will again invite:
With every whirlwind, however, there is calm in the eye of the storm. The question is how to get there. It is answers to this same question that we will look for and provide during the LOGISTICS EVENT OF THE YEAR. We are looking forward to meet you on October 8 in Sofia Event Center.
In front of the hall
An trade exhibition takes place with the Conference
The Logistics Business Conference is traditionally accompanied by a special Expo Zone, allowing companies to present their products and services for transport and logistics.
The next step is yours. Come this year again to Sofia Event Center in order to meet old and new partners and friends, to learn the news, and to enjoy yourself! Save the date October 8, 2024!
Conference proceeding
Live in the hall
Expected number of attendees
Conference languages
Bulgarian and English (simultaneous translation will be provided for all panels)
Our goal as organisers is to present to managers and specialists from all branches to learn first-hand about successful transport and logistics solutions which will enable them to create their own strategies for advancement in the new today, and in the new tomorrow.
за 12. Логистична Бизнес Конференция
Visit regularly this page to follow the news about the Logistics Event of the Year
Как новите технологии преобразяват складово пространство
Технологични иновации, проектирани да спестят човешки и енергиен ресурс
Най-новите методи за управление на логистични процеси
Калоян Първов, Оперативен мениджър на JYSK България, с ценни съвети от практиката
Как да се чувстваме комфортно при постоянните промени?
Да бъдем конкурентноспособни по време на промените в логистичния пазар
15% отстъпка при ранно записване за участие до 18.9.2024
Регистрирайте се СЕГА с отстъпка за Логистичното събитие на годината
Иновативни решения за по-интелигентна Last-Mile логистика
Ян Бетак за иновациите и бързината в логистиката на последната миля
Кои са скритите разходи в логистиката?
Отговорите от Елена Марангон, гост-лектор на 12. Логистична Бизнес Конференция
Сесилия Строкирк е гост-лектор на 12. Конференция
Визионер със завиден опит, изследовател и мениджър на проекти в бранша
Очакваме ви на логистичното събитие на годината
На 8.10.2024 г. Конференцията ще събере отново утвърдени у нас и в Европа визионери
Доставяме бъдещето – иновативни и конкурентоспособни
За 12-та поредна година Ви каним на логистичното събитие на годината в България!